World War III?

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As I research my upcoming gay history post on Stonewall, news has broken that I feel I need to address now.

When I was serving in the US Army, at the end of the Cold War, I knew the Russians would start WWIII. When they invaded Ukraine a few years ago they proved me right. No, it wasn’t as big of a thing then, but then Hamas invaded Isreal and took hostages. This provoked Isreal to going to war with Hamas that has lasted for quite a while now continuing to escalate. Today Iran launched Drone and missile attacks against Isreal in a major escallation of WWIII. The United States has stated that the back Isreal, which they have to by treaty.

As this continues to escalate, I don’t see a way right now where the United States doesn’t go to war on Isreal’s side. At the same time I see us continuing to back Ukraine. It is still possible that the world can prove me wrong, but I don’t think it will happen. I will continue to update this as I see events play out.

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